« ode to joy, volume 27 | Main | let's celebrate! »


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Oh, Libby. I actually sighed a big happy sigh when viewing these. Just what my spirit needed. So glad you shared them. :)

summer, summer, summer: love, love, love!
bright colors, fruit of the earth!

I love all the vibrant colors. These are great.

These pictures made me feel like I was there...The market...great job

Love this series. So perky!

@meredith: thanks!

@gloria: thanks! you probably have fantastic markets where you live too.

@steph: the colors are one of the reasons i love the markets so.

@jen t: me too. i know i say that summer is not my favorite season, but when it's here and i'm at the farmers' market, i could rethink.

@julie: so glad they made you happy. :)

just beautiful! love your photos...have one hanging on my studio wall. :)

This is just so refreshing and very cheery!

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