« a sense of trust, volume 9 | Main | wet and tangled »


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this was beautiful, and a lovely reminder. thank you!

Beautiful girl.
You are so wise.
I love watching this new knowledge dawn and strength unfurl.
It's no coincidence that the word "trust" has found you this year.

wise beyond what we grow up feeling and being told is true.
gosh i adore you.

Lovely Elizabeth... Oh, how this post struck a chord! This post could be my own in so many ways. For along time I was obsessed with being thin, and the last two years of high school I didn't eat... LOL! I can laugh now! Then I was in a car accident that left me with scars, too...at which time I also had a spiritual crisis. My 20's & early 30's were tough years to say the least... haha... Something I realized it that it's somehow so easier to take good care of others, but not myself. After some health issues last fall, I've been trying to change that and be kinder to myself, healthier of body. We deserve our own kindness as much as we give to other. Thank you for this tender-hearted post! Happy Week, my friend ((HUGS))

i especially like the second photo, and i can feel the warmth of the sun. xoxo

That was a beautiful poem. Thank you.

May I learn from it.

I feel like this post could have been written by me. Except that, of course, it has your very special Elizabeth way of saying things.

I'm working on all those things now, too. The lotion part, especially. I've been slathering coconut oil on after my showers, and each day I'm tempted to skip it, but then I do it, and I feel the kindness. It's good.

i know your body must be much happier now- it does so much for us, so we should take care of it, huh?

@kerri: it seems like a fair trade, for sure.

@kylie: it does feel like kindness. clearly great minds think alike. ok, i am so curious about coconut oil. is it greasy?

@kym: you are welcome.

@jen t: i was luxuriating in it. so lovely.

@tracy: we really do. sending so much love to you - we are practicing together.

@kelly: <3

@kat: huh. i did not even think of that. clearly it is time.

@jilliankay: you are welcome!

<3 & i love the photos too, and the sun!

I am so deeply moved by this.

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