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love this story so much. and love the bluebird mobile. i clicked over to red or grey art's blog and loved it, too. love love love.

This story gave me chills...I love the photograph you took of your mobile too...the colors are so rich.

what an incredible story...... the power of angels! I went to Amazon to check out the book and i have added it to my list. Thx for sharing. Seems Atlas is a believer too! xo

i think enchanting beautiful spiritual signs happen for enchanting beautiful spritual people. and you are one elizabeth!
hugs and love,
tammy j

Love that bluebird mobile. I would recognize her work anywhere. And - what a wonderful and powerful story!

Love this.

i am so glad you like it.. i always feel so much of a connection when i make and send one to someone i know in the blog world ..

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