{my attempt to capture 52 photos that represent trust - my word for 2011}.
a dear friend gave me a magnet with the following sharon salzberg quote:
"Life is like an ever shifting kaleidoscope: a slight change and all patterns alter."
i love that quote. it makes me feel hopeful. it reminds me that everything i do in the big wide world of working on my stuff on has an impact on my life - no matter how small a thing it is, no matter if i can see how it will happen.
when i saw this scene/photo, it reminded me of that quote, and somehow, it all circled back to trust.
love this pairing. and you!
Posted by: jen t | 12/10/2011 at 05:30 PM
Is that a reflection? Very intriguing photo.
Posted by: Amy | 12/11/2011 at 05:42 AM
love that picture.
again... what is it with your particular pictures? i can not only see it ... i feel the cold air. i can see my breath. i walk into them! i'm just odd. or you have a special gift!
kaleidoscopes are one of my favorite things. i had never thought of them in terms of life and had never heard that quote before. it's good.
yes. trust. this year the pieces pretty well fell apart. but they always come back together in a new pattern. wonderful insights. thank you.
Posted by: tammy | 12/11/2011 at 06:37 AM
What a wonderful quote - wise words I need to remember. And - wouldn't it be grand if life could be seen thru the lens of a simple and colorful kaleidoscope?!?!
Posted by: Marcie | 12/11/2011 at 02:03 PM
oh my goodness I love that quote. so incredible true. it is amazing how the slightest thing can shift our entire world. sometimes leading to the most magical things. :0)
Posted by: Jennifer | 12/11/2011 at 05:13 PM
@jennifer: amazing indeed!
@marcie: it would be so grand!
@tammy: wishing you a new and glorious pattern in the new year.
@amy: it is - a reflection in a puddle.
@jen: thank you!
Posted by: elizabeth @ retinal perspectives | 12/12/2011 at 11:22 AM