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i wasn't wondering if you were driving until you mentioned it! and now i'm thinking about it and can't stop;)
and i like to celebrate by having a day/time of relaxation and fun, where i don't have to worry about anything i should be doing like studying and i can do just whatever i feel like doing:)

oh helen...
i'm finding that is what it's like being retired! i love every last minute of it!
i am never bored. i really didn't realize how much fun it would be. so until that far off retirement day, days that you get to rest and just do what you want are surely the best celebration!
i did a "space clearing" once elizabeth, after reading a book about it. it was lovely. like giving your home a special blessing for the end and the new beginning which is solstice.
sacred space by denise linn if anyone wants to check it out. very symbolic. and relaxing and somehow makes one feel in tune with the universe.

@tammy: thank you! i ordered it from the library. it sounds like there might be the perfect thing(s) to do that day.

@helen: hahaha. ;) that sounds like a perfect day of celebration. i hope you have time for that after school ends and before you leave.

Ooo...I love the Winter Solstice! I just made a Solstice wreath (plan to post on next week) and hung it up early to enjoy now since we'll be traveling soon. I also scattered more and more candles and lights around the house. And I often make a altar for a new season. Gather season finds from nature--pine cones, greenery, add some felt snowflakes, candles. Burning seasonal scents is lovely--cedarwood, pine, myrrh, etc. There's LOTS you can do to make the Solstice great. :o) Let us know what you do, Elizabeth. Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

I myself lean more towards quiet contemplation and a "cleaning out" of the cobwebs in my mind instead of raucous celebrations.....but maybe you'd prefer to dance naked in a snow drift? Atlas would love that, I bet. Either way, I hope you do something special for you.
~ann b.

ideas: light candles. make yummy food. bask in your twinkle lights. dance. love Atlas. write yourself a love note.

@paulita: i love your ideas! thank you! at least a few of them are on my list!

@ann: lolol. there will be no naked dancing in snow drifts for me.

@tracy: i just put a sprig of pine in a glass of water. (i was on a feng shui kick at the time.) it looks so lovely. i always enjoy your altars. one of these days, i may have to make one of my own. though now that i think of it, i do have a "vase" of sorts that is sort of an altar since i put something special in it during autumn and also during december.

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